Thursday, December 2, 2010

But does it explode?

Finally.  Here it is.  The war's over.  We've won.  Everyone can come home.

I swear, the military sometimes seems like it's run by a bunch of people who play too much Call of Duty.  There's all these new fangled guns coming out one after another like the only thing that's keeping us from immediate complete domination of the world is our troops' inability to shoot laser beams from their eyes.


Stuff like this.  Robot soldiers.  "They don't get hungry".  Yeah, because if only we had troops without real human needs, we'd be winners already.

And this, too.  Though the 10 year old boy in me still thinks it's kinda cool.  (The company calls itself metalstorm.  Because, you know, their weapons of...uh...metal?)

Meanwhile we have people coming back home with a whole smorgasbord of metal and physical problems and the VAs are not equipped to handle all that demand.

Let's not even start on the issue that guns developed in the 1940s are still inflicting casualties on an army equipped with all the bells and whistles the DoD R&D can tack on.  I think the problem may not be with how long it takes for the bullets we fire to explode, but with the whole idea of putting people in front of or behind these weapons.

I swear, our soldiers are some gutsy motherfuckers.  They're putting themselves out on the field not knowing what new piece of technology's been sold to the enemy.

My thought? Upend the whole weapons manufacture industry in the US.  Turn it into an industry that researches ways to keep people alive rather than put them in the ground.  What a fucking concept.

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