Friday, January 7, 2011

This is why the expression "womp womp" was invented.



A Monopoly and a Battleship movie.

Are we really that low on ideas that we need to make movies out of BOARDGAMES now? What's next? A Risk historical drama?

A Capri Sun thriller?

Dunkin Donuts action/adventure?

Operation drama?

Boggle romantic comedy?

Too clever not to steal.  H/t to this
The director of the Monopoly movie talks about how the movie's going to be set in a Monopoly world and pits the main character against the evil Parker Brothers.  And that it's going to talk about the real estate market and greed.

Really.  You're going to use a game based on rolling dice and running around a board to make a point about the pitfalls of modern capitalism.  Well, just because it sounds like a stupid idea doesn't mean you shouldn't put millions of dollars into doing it.

Oh wait.  That's exactly what it means.

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