Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 forward

My new years resolution for 2011 is to not get overly sentimental about it being 2011.  That said, there's a fair amount of things going to happen this year.  I'm going to either go to grad school or not.  I'm going to either leave the country or not.  I'm going to either be on a slam team or not.  If you think of your life as a series of one's and zero's, it's easy to get really excited and really disheartened.

But if you don't view your life in absolutes, then it's honestly just another new year.  2010 seemed to kind of end with a whimper.  I was looking for some statistics on it, but the best I could find was this.  Just anecdotal, it's my experience that a lot of people just stayed in or did something small this year.  As depressing as it sounds, I feel like there's less to celebrate.  Political and economic times are shitty, maybe it's that people are starting to get a bit anxious.

But then again, maybe not.  I did see two guys carrying a drunk girl dressed like a cheetah new years day.  So maybe nothing's changed.

NYC, by the way, is officially my favorite city (of the places I've been to).  I'm not sure what it is, but NYC has this "Yeah, I know I'm cool, so what?" kind of air to it.  Like it's too busy to act cool.  Not to mention it is about a thousand cities crammed into one.  You get the fancy historical crap that is all of Boston, the prestigious self-importance of DC and the meaningless style of Miami.  I'm honestly not sure there's a better city in the world.

That said, I'm back in DC.  And honestly, I missed it. 

You know times are tough when I miss a city like this one.

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