Friday, April 29, 2011

NaPo...Just kidding, April's person who should at least be locked up.

That's right!

It's not a poem!
It is
  Yet another
Political piece
To pick up the pieces
Of shattered news stories.

Fuck, sorry, I've been writing in short lines so much I'm starting to forget how to do prose.  Anyway, so I really wanted to do this fuckface today:

But then I realized I don't care about him.

I decided I'd go a bit more small-fry with this one.  Because I feel like this asshole hasn't gotten the spotlight of criticism shined on him enough.  He comes from the great state of Arizona, well known as a haven of tolerance and long as you are not brown.

Representative John Kavanagh from Arizona's 8th district.  Note, that's Arizona House of Representatives, not the Federal House.  The Representative in the Federal House is one Gabrielle Giffords.  Yes, it is strange that a left-leaning district elects this wackjob for state legislature.  But I guess every district has its white-washed suburbs.

Anyway, Rep Kavanagh is known for being one of the leaders in the anti-immigrant streak of legislation that's been washing over Arizona like a tidal wave of racism.  He is leading the charge on a bill that would require one parent of a child being given birthright citizenship to be a permanent citizen.  Of course, this requires an overhaul of the 14th Amendment, but people like Rep Kavanagh won't let something like the bill of rights get in the way of progress!

That's right, Kavanagh is tough on immigration.  He was one of the sponsors of SB 1070, better known as "it's okay to harass citizens so long as they're brown" law.  And let me tell you, SB 1070 has really helped Arizona's economy.  Not to mention struck the fear of god into those terrible, evil illegals, who contribute nothing to the country.  Except, you know $11.2 billion in taxes.

The thing that turned me on to Kavanagh is this whole fiasco.  Rep Kavanagh felt that more important that Arizona's 10% drop in tax revenue and 7.4% unemployment rate were not as important as scrubbing a Sikh man's name from the 9/11 memorial in Phoenix.

The man? Singh Sodi,who was gunned down four days after 9/11 by a man who said to police that he was lashing out at Arabs after watching the twin towers fall.  Apparently, the shooter's only knowledge of Arabs came from watching Aladdin, because he took Mr. Sodi's turban as an indication that he was Arab and not, you know, a completely unrelated ethnic group.  Not that this is surprising.  Islamophobes tend not to be the brightest crayons in the box.

Apparently, Kavanagh had used something called the "internet" for a few minutes and found that it was "unclear" that Mr. Sodi's death had anything to do with 9/11.  Based on these findings, he suggested taking Sodi's name off the memorial.  I'm just surprised Kavanagh didn't follow that up by saying "Also, I found out that 9/11 was an inside job.  Probably Mexicans."

Kavanagh did finally meet with Sodi's family and apologize for introducing the bill, saying he "misunderstood the case".  Just like Sodi's murderer misunderstood that Sodi wasn't Arab.  Not to mention misunderstood that his actions were anything but idiotic and violent.

Yet.  Sodi's murderer is in prison.  I think, for consistency's sake, it might be worth tossing Kavanagh in there for a few years.  Maybe scrub his name from a few political positions.

But that won't happen.  With the amount of money he's made for the correctional institutes, they'd probably build him a separate luxury penthouse to serve his sentence.

A pity.  In any case, Representative Kavanagh, you should (at least) be put in prison.

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