Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My brain hamster

My brain is a lot like a hamster.  A hamster that really, really, really wants a wheel.

A friend just suggested I come up with a slogan for her friend's business that finds local deals with GPS.  This is a terrible thing to ask me to do because it means for the rest of the day, I will be non-stop thinking of slogan ideas.  I will, at least for the next few hours, be only able to think phrases that could be contained within quotation marks.

"The Satellite that Saves"
"Globally Yours!"
"SAVING the world"
"Our deals are out of this world!"
"Savings from coast to coast"
"A WORLD of savings"

 For the rest of the day it's gonna be like:

Leaving Work: "TGI end of the day"
Yoga class: "Stretch the stress away!"
Eating ramen: "It's not just for college kids anymore!"
Watching porn: "It's only sin if you enjoy it!"

In conclusion, I hate my brain.

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