Tuesday, December 21, 2010

AT&T will charge you extra to read this

Mission Accomplished, Obama.  Mission Accomplished.

At least you have to give him credit for consistency.  Integrity, no.  But consistency, you betcha! Obama's FCC has officially given up the fight for net neutrality.  And he's done it in a way that even the REPUBLICANS are kinda surprised at.

For those of you who don't know what net neutrality is, it's kinda like this:

In other words, making the internet like cable TV, where you pay for different packages that are arbitrarily (and probably maliciously) chosen by your ISP.  So, for example, say you like to use blogger to write inane articles about your short stories being rejected.  This is a diagram of what will happen to your wallet:

What? Would you prefer a pie chart?

But I'll be honest, this doesn't frighten me too much.  The FCC has been putting out for any corporation with a nice smile and a few suave lobbyists.  They've chased after one piracy entity after another.  Every time one gets knocked down, another pops back up.  If this whole thing goes through and ISPs start charging for access, I give it a week before someone has a work-around.

That's what I love about the internet.  It's gotten to the point that it's not really something that can be controlled.

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