Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Madrid Dia last: Touring the suburbs.

Stop being pretty, Spain.

It's annoying.  Like, every goddamn town and park is so scenic, up on hilltops looking over sprawling vistas, it's really just disgusting.  You try too hard, Spain.  Get over your beautiful self.

I got a bad case of the lazy today and instead of going to Roman aqueducts and castles and stuff, I went to the suburbs.  Madrid has a very interesting system for getting people in and out of the suburbs.  It's like the subway, except, you know, not sub.  It's a system of 8 or so trains that come regularly and are a bit more outfitted for long-distance travel than the subway.  It seems to work pretty well.


Whatever European design genius decided to make it so all the seats face each other.  Like there are four seats and two by two they face one another so you are forced into this awkward staring contest with the random shmuck across from you.  If that's bad enough, the seats are close enough that your knees are almost touching.  And I couldn't think of the translation for "Get your fat knees off me".

But the ride was short and I arrived in what looked like the most boring, dirty suburb ever.  A few blocks cured that, of course, and I ran into a bunch of medieval-type architecture and winding streets.  You know, like ya do in Spain.  I walked for a while, eating my bread and chorizo out of a plastic bag (I'm starting to enjoy it).  I eventually got to a park with, you guessed it, beautiful mountain vistas.

Like, stop it.  Enough with the gorgeous, sprawling mountains, Spain.

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