Friday, November 5, 2010

Apparently, everyone hates Obama.

So earlier this week, an astonishing thing happened.  The Republicans won the country and the Democrats are miserable failures and everyone hates Obama.

Or so everyone says.

But I don't.  The only winner this mid-term election seems to be public frustration.  The Democrats lost seniors and independents.  They lost blacks and young people.  Half the people who turned out are dissatisfied with their party.  Everyone's pissed about the economy.  And 58% of Americans want a third party.

But no problem! The Democrats are a-ok with all this.

It is a defeat.  For the government.  People are starting to realize the Republians represent the racists, the homophobes and the rich while the Democrats just represent the rich.  I honestly can't blame people for voting Republican, at least their base is diversified.

And let's just make one thing clear.  This isn't a mandate on Obama.  And it isn't a conservative resurgence.  The so-called Blue Dog Democrats (AKA, Republicans who got lost on their way to Congress) lost BIG.  And the Tea Party got Rand Paul (In Kentucky, a typically red state, what a victory) but lost basically everywhere else. (That source, by the way, is from Fox News.  Fox News talking about the Tea Party being Tuesday's biggest loser.  If there's one thing Fox News reports honestly on, it's when its eating its young.)

But honestly, I see it as an opportunity.  Most people are coming to the realization that neither party represents their interests.  The Democrats demurred when handed the popular mandate and the Republicans start two wars when they're in charge.  The truth is we do need a third party.  And I think when people finally find out that the system is not going to give them jobs, the system is not going to fix the economy and the system doesn't give a shit about their health, we're gonna see some change.

So.  Get angry, people.  We're gonna need that anger when we finally take charge.

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