This is why people distrust science.
Now to be fair, Psychology Today isn't exactly the foremost authority on the science. They've featured such rigorous scientific studies as "Interacting with Women Makes Men Stupid" and "Why Politicians Get Laid More". But honestly, you'd think there'd be one person on the editor's staff that would raise the red flag at "Why are Black Women Less Attractive?"
I'm all for pop science. Stuff like Malcolm Gladwell and Jonah Lehrer make for great reads that are both fascinating and accessible. But dumbing down science into sensational, completely misleading snippets of kinda-facts? That's just playing into the media's view that the American public is a bunch of slack-jawed yokels.
This article is particularly damaging because it further emphasizes the stigma that psychology has the interest of Great White Father in mind. The National Alliance on Mental Illness rattles off a list of how African Americans under-utilize and are under-served by mental health services. And these shmucks at Psychology Today go off running an article by some asshole who'd already gotten in hot water over saying that people are poor because they're stupid and advocating nuclear holocaust against the Middle East.
Come on. There are people proving memory isn't written in permanent ink. Others proving that all it takes to improve your condition is to breathe differently. Others working on solutions to our deepest and most fundamental psychological issues.
And you're talking about whether people really do, in fact, like big butts?
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