Friday, April 1, 2011

Feature #2: Doin' it right

Hell yeah.

I may have struggled in that first feature, but this second one I knocked it out of the park. According to all the people I asked. They smiled and said "Yes! You did so well! Gotta go now, bye!"

Obviously they were blown away by my talent. That's why they moved so quickly away from me.

But in all seriousness, I think the feature went very well. I really got a good reaction to my "Building a Bridge" poem. I think it resonates very well with the Spit Dat Open Mic audience. And the more it resonates, the better I do. Really, it's like this feedback loop of poetic validation. Especially when DC seems to have this tendency attend concerts and the like so they can stand COMPLETELY STILL in ABJECT SILENCE.

But yeah. Spit Dat isn't, well, dat.

And so ends my week of insane poet-rockstar-hood. It's a relief, but at the same time...

I want more.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that poem was dope! You did a great job :)

    Because of your sad admission that you didn't have any friends on your blog, I made it my mission today to add you and hopefully bring you some cheer.

    But I couldn''s probably because you don't have the "follow this blog" gadget on your template. Make that change and I'm sure poetry lovers will start flocking. Happy Friday!

    Check out my class blog
