I was randomly reminded today of Johnny Bravo. For those of you who don't remember him, I pity you. But because I'm generous, I'll remind you who he is:

He had a show on Cartoon Network that basically involved him not getting with women. It was pretty funny, if for no other reason than that it was a funny concept. Anything done with an Elvis voice is always funny.
So, for those of you who remember Johnny Bravo, you might remember the Cartoon Cartoon Show that Johnny was a part of. It included a bunch of boring, ugly and stupid cartoons, along with some gems. Among the gems was this show:
I only vaguely remember this, but I remember it being pretty hilarious and wondering why no show was ever made out of it, since there seemed to be pretty low standards for what was played on Cartoon Network. Since then, I have always chalked it up to major media being unable to tell the difference between real entertainment and Reality TV. This disdain would form a major part of the development of my caustic personality.
But, here's a shocker. Guess who created Larry and Steve? This guy:
Seth McFarlane.
That's right, Larry and Steve became Peter and Brian from Family Guy. I guess I was wrong. I guess the media really does know what's entertaining. Maybe all this time I've been criticizing the entertainment industry, I've really just been misunderstanding them. Maybe, just maybe, they really just want to entertain us.
Oh wait. Nevermind.
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